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Samwoo Co., Ltd. is making efforts to develop new gypsum products for ceramics, industry, and medical care that are of the highest quality through mechanized and automated processes.

Pottery Plaster of Paris

Product Review

The casting methods of Korea’s ceramics industry are rapidly being introduce to mechanization and automation for higher efficiency. As such, high-quality gypsum (pottery Plaster) is in continuos demand.

SamWoo chemical industrial Co., Ltd. fills this demand. More than this, it puts much effort in developing new products and producing them from its immaculate production facilities, using materials of the highest possible quality, and with strict quality management, resulting in its production of high-quality calcined gypsum for ceramics modeling such as super-heat-resistant gypsum, super-abrasion-resistant gypsum, and bone china, which requires a high-degree of purity.

Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Grade Type Water
Application Property
Initial final (kgf/cm³)
Special NR 55 8 12 25 18 280 0.15 Auto roller machine High Compressive,
Heat resisting,
Abrasion resisting
AR 55 8 12 28 18 300 0.18 Auto roller machine High Compressive,
Heat resisting,
Abrasion resisting
BR 55 8 13 28 18 300 0.10 China ware High Compressive,
High purity,
Abrasion resisting
HR 58 8 12 25 17 250 0.12 Roller machine High Compressive,
Abrasion resisting
tr 65 8 12 28 15 200 0.15 - Absorption, Durability
BC 68 8 12 30 14 180 0.15 China ware High purity,
Abrasion resisting
H 70 8 12 25 13 170 0.10 Working mold Absorption, Durability
CS 70 10 15 25 13 170 0.10 Sanitary ware Absorption, Durability
M-30 45 10 12 30 20 300 0.03 Special Case High strength,
Low expansion
GC 52 10 12 28 18 250 0.03 Case Blending resin
SC 55 9 12 28 17 240 0.05 Special Case Blending resin,
Good workability
HC 57 9 12 25 16 220 0.06 Case Good workability, Easy process
Model 65 8 12 28 15 200 0.08 Model Easy process
75 8 12 24 12 140 0.15 General Injection Absorption
77 7 10 24 11 110 0.20 General Injection Good workability
A 75 8 12 24 12 140 0.15 Working mold Good absorption B
B 75 7 10 24 11 110 0.20 Working mold Good workability
Congelation and Fortification of Calcined Plaster

When calcines Plaster reacts with water, it stiffens, hydrates and creates minute needle-shaped crystals that later congeal among themselves.
The theoretical amount of water appropriate for 100g of calcined Plaster is 18.6g in practical situations, however, additional water may be needed during mixing according to the type and use of calcined Plaster and how the process is handled.

Amount of Water and Plaster Model Quality

To effectively use calcined Plaster, the amount of water to be mixed with it should be accurately measured. This is the most important procedure in dealing with Plaster.
The appropriate amount of water to be mixed with Plaster accounting to the type of Plaster being used and its purpose can have a significant effect on the surface strength and solidity, the rate and speed of absorption, and the anti-abrasion quality of the Plaster models that are cast.
The amount of water to be mixed with Plaster that is presented herein is the normal standard figure according to the use of Plaster.

  • Amount of Water and Mixing Time

    The more the amount of water to be mixed with Plaster is, the longer the mixing time will be. Generally, the increase in the amount of water to be mixed with Plaster may delay the ending time of the congelation if the mixing is insufficient. The starting time of the congelation will remain about the same, though.

  • Time of Agitation

    The cast’s strength decreases noticeably as the amount of water increases, but increases as the amount of water decreases.

  • Amount of Water and Expansion Rate

    The expansion rate is inversely proportional to the amount of water to be mixed with the Plaster. The expansion rate increases if the amount of water decreases, and vice versa.

Mixing Methods and Plaster Model Quality

Calcined Plaster should be evenly mixed with water. (Do not put water into calcined Plaster.)
After mixing, iet the mixture stand for about one to two minutes to allow the calcined Plaster to be impregnated into the water. Later mix them evenly using a wooden stick or a mixing machine. Make sure to check the mixing speed and the shape of the mixing machine so that air bubbles will be prevented.
Uneven mixing can result in a different absorption speed due to the irregular contraction rate and the difference in the landing thickness of the clay. It is thus more effective to use a vacuum mixing machine than to perform the mixture manually.
The mixing case should be made of steel, and the diameter of its bottom should be two-thirds its height and the diameter of its upper part should be equal to its height.
keep the mixing machine 2.5~5cm away from the ground and the angle of the wing of the mixing machine from 15 to 20 degrees.

  • Mixing Methods

    There are three main mixing methods: vacuum mixing, machine mixing and manual mixing. The physical characteristics of calcined plaster may differ according to the type, rotating speed, shape and size of the mixing machine, however, as well as the shape and size of the mixing case. Assuming that the shapes of the mixing machine and the mixing case are fixed, the appropriate mixing methods are as follows.

    Mixing Methods
    Mixing Methods Wet tensile strength(kgf/cm³) Expansion Rate(2hrs,%) Remarks
    mixing by Passivity 12.0 0.160 Standard A
    Mixing by Machine 12.0 0.145
    Vacuum Mixing 12.5 0.140
  • Mixing Methods and Plaster Model Strength and Expansion Rate

    Generally the plaster model’s strength does not differ with manual mixing or machine mixing. With vacuum mixing, however, the cast rises slightly.
    The expansion rate decreases more with manual mixing, less with machine mixing and even less with vacuum mixing.

  • Agitation speed and hardening time

    By increasing the agitation speed, the hardening time (agitation time) will be shortened.

  • Mixing Machine Rotating Speed and Plaster Model Strength and Expansion Rate

    In case the amount of water to be mixed with plaster and the mixing time are fixed, the faster the rotating speed of the mixing machine is, the higher the strength and expansion rate of the plaster model will be. The absorption rate decreases as the rotating speed of the mixing machine increases.

    Mixing Machine Rotating Speed and Plaster Model Strength and Expansion Rate
    RPM Wet tensile strength(kgf/cm³) Expansion Rate(2hrs,%) Remarks
    200 11.0 0.125 Standard A
    250 11.5 0.130
    300 12.0 0.135
    350 12.5 0.140
Amount of Water to be Mixed Gypsum, Mixing time and Gypsum Model Quality
  • In case the amount of water to be mixed with plaster increases while the mixing time is fixed

    The congelation time noticeably lengthens
    The plaster model’s strength decreases
    The plaster model’s expansion rate decreases
    The plaster model’s absorption rate and absorption speed increase

  • In case the amount of water to be mixed with plaster is fixed while the mixing time increases

    The congelation time noticeably quickens
    The plaster model’s strength increases
    The plaster model’s expansion rate increases
    The plaster model’s absorption rate and speed decrease

Water Temperature, Room Temperature and Plaster Model Quality
  • Changes in Physical Characteristics according to Differences in Water Temperature and Room Temperature

    The higher the water temperature and the room temperature that are related to the physical characteristics of calcined plaster are, the quicker the mixing time and the congelation time of the plaster will be. In addition, the plaster model’s strength and expansion rate will decrease as the temperature increases. Factors affecting water or product temperature are more significant than those affecting room temperature. If these temperatures are fixed, however, the mixing time and the congelation time will gradually quicken as the room temperature increases. Also, when the increase in the room temperature affects the water or product temperature, the physical characteristics are affected by the water temperature.

  • Water temperature and Congelation time

    The solubility of plaster reaches its peak when the water temperature is about 38℃. At this point the congelation time becomes very fast. At a temperature higher or lower than this, however, the congelation time slows down, and at 80℃, the plaster will no longer congeal.

Injection and Casting-out Time

As the viscosity of the even slurry slowly increases, inject the mixture into the prepared case. After injection, it will gradually congeal and emit heat. Casting out should be done right before and after the temperature of the congealed plaster peaks.

Drying the Congealed Gypsum

The best condition in which to dry plaster is right after the congelation is completed. The relative humidity of the drying room must be over 10%, and sufficient air ventilation is more effective than raising the drying room temperature to heighten the dryness efficiency. The appropriate temperature at this point is 45℃. If the temperature stays over 60℃ for a long time, the crystallized water in the plaster model will get dehydrated, and will weaken the congealed plaster and shorten the model’s life. The dryness condition of the plaster model, that is, the amount of the water remaining in the plaster model, must be at least 5%.

Absorptiveness of plaster models

Absorptiveness of plaster models is due to even air holes crated by needle-shaped neticulation, that is, texture among crystals, which are extracted when calcined plaster in mixed with water and congealed. Absorptiveness is thus dependent on the extraction conditions of the needle-shaped crystals of the congealed plaster mode. The extraction conditions of the needle-shaped crystals are significantly affected by the casting conditions of plaster models and their surroundings. As such, absorptiveness must be considered according to many factors such as the rate and speed (diffusion coefficient) of absorption and the absorbing power (the amount of clay landed and water), among others. Smooth clay that has good absorptiveness shows high formation efficiency. If the following conditions occur during the clay formation, the absorptiveness, may be poor. This could also happen, however, to plaster with good absorptiveness, due to which all conditions of the plaster model should be investigated and dealt with accordingly.

If the abovementioned conditions occer, they can usually be solved when the formation conditions are changed.

· In case where crevices occur.
· When the landing thickness is uneven and layering occurs.
· When the occurrence of landing is delayed.
· When the number of occurrences of formation decreases.

Industrial Plaster

Industrial Plaster

The industrial gypsum models of Samwoo Co., Ltd. have been used in various industrial fields, such as for the production and reproduction of various gypsum models that require strength, hardness, dimension, and precision, and as substitute for wood, metal, and resin molds, etc. They are also used for gypsum cases (industrial gypsum) in plaster production.

  • Production and reproduction of gypsum models (industrial Plaster)
  • Steel casting practice
  • Alternative to wooden, steel or plastic castings
  • Other gypsum models requiring high strength, Solidity or precision
  • Gypsum cases for gypsum model production (industrial Plaster)
Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Type Water
Initial Final Wet Dry Wet Dry
MR-150 26 18 50 0.05 35 65 350 700 Blending resin,
Highest compression,
Good surface hardness
MR-100 30 15 50 0.05 25 50 250 500 Blending resin,
High compression,
High hardness
MR-50 30 12 45 0.05 25 50 250 500 Blending resin,
High compression,
High hardness
MR-5L 35 20 55 0.05 20 38 200 310 Blending resin,
Low expansion
MS-L 42 25 50 0.01 15 40 200 300 Extremely lowest expansion
M-10 35 23 45 0.03 25 45 220 350 lowest expansion,
Retardation of coagulation
M-20 50 15 40 0.10 18 35 160 280 Easy process,
Good workability
M-30 45 15 30 0.03 20 38 180 300 Low expansion
M-40 50 15 40 0.15 18 35 180 300 Abrasion resisting
Usage and Precautions
  • Amount of Water to be mixed

    Accurate measurement of the amount of water and gypsum to be mixed is one of the most important conditions for the resultant quality. Please follow the standard mixing volume that is appropriate to each type of gypsum. According to the increase or decrease in the amount of water to be mixed, there is a corresponding change in the time for stirring or hardening and in the gypsum model’s strength and solidity, etc.

  • Mold Release Agent

    In case a hydroscopic model is used, there might be some difficulties in producing a model. Please thoroughly apply SamWoo Surface Reinforcing Agent to the surface of the model and impregnate the mold lubricant with it. If the model is made of steel, Vaseline or stearic acid gerotin liquid should be used instead.

  • Stirring Time

    If casting is done by molding, please mix accurately measured of water and gypsum and stir the mixture thoroughly to get an even consistency before putting it into the model. In addition, if casting is done by laying, let the mixture stand for a white and use it when the viscosity of the Slurry goes up

  • Stripping

    When producing a 凸 -type model from a 凹 -type model, the casting-out should be done when the calorific temperature is highest. When producing a 凹 -type model from a 凸 -type model, the casting-out should be done about to three hours after the highest calorific temperature is reached.

Other Industrial Plaster

High Expansion Model

SamWoo DIASTONE-ME series High-expansion model gypsum is used for plastic expansion models and casting or steel contraction by congelation.

  • Production of expansion models to compenate for the rate of contraction by congelation of various of steel.
  • Compensation for the rate of contraction of resin molds.
  • Reproduction of steel casts.
Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Type Water
ME-50 40 20 5~6 15 30 5/1000 200 Shrink revision of iron
ME-100 40 20 5~6 15 40 12/1000 200 Shrink revision of Zinc,
bronze and aluminum alloy
ME-200 40 20 5~6 15 50 20/1000 200 Shrink revision of Zinc,
bronze and aluminum alloy,
Casting copy
ME-250 40 20 5~6 15 50 25/1000 200 Shrink revision of stainless steel
  • Accurately measure the amount of gypsum and water to be mixed.

  • The mixing case must be claen and if possible, its size should be appropriate to the amount of gypsum to be used.

  • Make sure to mix them after fixing them for one or two minutes after putting water on the gypsum.

  • To get an even slurry, use mixing wings that have a high mixing efficiency and a mixing machine that is suitable to the mixing case.

  • For the mixing duration, please follow the instruction on the test report.

  • When Using several mixing cases, use them appropriately to get an even consistency in a cast.

  • When casting complex shapes, particularly concave shapes, low-expansion gypsum should be used, in the case of convex shapes, use gypsum after transcription. In addition, if part of the cast is concave, cast the part separately. This is necessary since the amount of expansion at the time of casting-out is about 50%.

Metal Casting Plaster

This product is made of light steel gypsum for a high precision level based on pressurization and de-pressurization. It has the following characterize. It can reproduce detailed shapes. The casting (Metal Casting Plaster) results in highly smooth surfaces. It result in highly accurate models. It can cast very thin casting products.

  • Various types of plastic steel castings (aluminum or zinc alloy, etc.)
  • Various types of steel press castings (zinc alloy)
  • Other highly – accurate non-steel castings.
Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Type Water consistency
Mixing time (min.)
Mixing time (min.)
Expansion rate
Dry compressive
Dry shrink ratio
C-1000 40 5~7 50 0.2 45 0.2
Choosing a Casting Method

White casting with gypsum models produces good surface quality and precision, air ventilation is poor, thus requiring a pressurized or de-pressurized casting facility.

  • Pressurization Method

    Please apply pressure of about 0.3~0.7kg/cm² to a cast to get a high-quality surface.

  • Depressurization Method

    The depressurization level should be between 20 and 30cmHg, usually for about two to three minutes.

Collapsing Models

Various models Core. If the from rolling condition is not sufficient, the collapse efficiency may not be good.

Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Type Water consistency(%) Mixing time(min.) Setting time(min.) Expansion ratio(%) Dry tensile Strength (kgf/cm³)
DIASTONE MB-1 70 6 35 0.12 12
  • The amount of water to be mixed with 100g of gypsum should be 70ml.

  • Mixing should be done for about five to seven minutes, until the viscosity of the slurry rises slightly.

  • If possible, use a silicon rubber model for complex shapes.

  • Thoroughly dry the model at a temperature below 45℃.

  • Submerge the model in hot water with a temperature of more than 80℃, then start the collapsing method. If the water temperature goes down, the effectiveness of collapsing is reduced.

  • Using a hose, spray the pressurized hot water onto the gypsum model to reduce the collapsing time.

Medical Plaster

Dental Treatment

It is so fine that it can make an accurate model(Medical Plaster) with a high-quality surface. Its expansion rate is stable, resulting in an accurate model. Its strength and solidity are superior.

  • Impression
  • Buried artificial teeth
  • Models
Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Kind Type Water consistancy
Mixing time
Setting time
Setting Expansion
Dry compressive
Color Packing
Plaster Super
19-20 1 11 0.08 600(24hr before)
1100(24hr After)
Gold Brown 18kg(1.5kg x 12ea)
Cartoon box
23 1 11 0.15 400(24hr before)
800(24hr After)
Yellow, Blue 18kg(1.5kg x 12ea)
Cartoon box 12kg Zone
24 1 11 0.15 400(24hr before)
800(24hr After)
White 18kg(1.5kg x 12ea)
Cartoon box
40 1 10 0.1 110(24hr before)
200(24hr After)
White 20kg Zone
ND-Y 24 1 9 0.08 750 Light yellow 1.5kg x 16, 24kg
ND-P 23 1 10 0.10 800 Light Pink 1.5kg x 16, 24kg
ND-G 24 1 11 0.20 150 Light Brown 1.5kg x 16, 24kg
ND-W 25 1 10 0.25 700 Snow white 25kg

It is of high quality that allows easy molding, high air ventilation and rapid drying. It is very solid and light.

  • Orthopedic plaster bandages.
Kind of Products
Kind of Products
Type Water
Setting time
tensile Strength
tensile Strength
Color Setting
Expansion ratio
G-1 45 10 22 320 White 0.15
G-2 42 12 24 350 White 0.15


Kind of Products
  • Gypsum for Glass/Lens Grinding

    This gypsum product is used for the grinding of glasses, lenses and prisms. It is a high purity material with very low expansion coefficient and high tenacity resisting against migration or collapse during grinding.

  • Calcined Gypsum for Paints

    Our gypsum for paints is a highly pure and stable base material with super fineness. It has as high absorbability of oil as other inorganic base pig\-ments as well as ㅡigh abrasion resistance and anti\-corrosiveness enhancing the general properties of the paint.

  • Gypsum for Chalk

    This very fine, pure white gypsum makes fine chalks that are nor easily broken. It delivers smooth abra\-sion leaving with clear scribbling on the blackboard while producing less powder dust.

  • Gypsum for Wooden Patterning

    This gypsum product adheres well on wooden sur\-face and is suitable for use as a supplementary ma\-terial for the creation of wooden original for cast\-ing. It is used for maintenance and partial repair of wooden molds.

  • Gypsum for Sculpture

    This material is for artists who create sculptures and for mannequin makers and pottery makers for molding.

Related Products

Kind of Products
  • Surface Strengthener

    Surface strengthener is used to reinforce the surface of original casing for the production of gypsum molds such as models and statues. Compared with varnish and lacquer products, it delivers surface hardness of several times higher extending the life of the molds by preventing surface abrasion and absorption and allowing effective functioning of mold release.

    To reinforce the surface of gypsum case or wooden case and to prevent them from absorbing moisture. To reinforce the surface of original casts such as wooden casts and to prevent them from absorbing moisture.
    Packing Unit
    There are 4L of each A liquid (main agent) and B liquid (stiffening agent) in a set. (Directions and precautions are printed at back of the container.)
  • Cari Soap

    High quality fatty acid is used to produce Cari soap which allows excellent releasing of molds without creating white residue on the surface of the gyp\-sum mold extending its life. It is also low in alkalin\-ity, so it is not harsh on the skin.

    Form separation for gypsum for gypsum, wooden or plastics models.
    Packing Unit
    18kg container (Directions and precautions are printed at back of the container.)
  • Separator

    This mold releasing agent is used for the release of gypsum, resin and wooden molds. It has high releasing effect compared with Cari soap. It is particularly effective when used in the production of original molds as it does not create air bubbles insuring smooth released surface.

    Form separation for gypsum for gypsum, wooden or plastics models.
    Packing Unit
    4L container (Directions and precautions are printed at back of the container.)
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